Happy Life - Tetovo Macedonia
Association for support of families, individuals and groups
PROJECTS 2004 - 2007
Entrepreneurships – needs and possibilities
As partners with NGO Forum of Albanian Woman - Tetovo
Financed by: FIROM
Implemented: February - July 2004
The way for mutual life
As partners with NGO Forum of Albanian Woman - Tetovo
Financed by: FIROM
Implemented: February - July 2004
Say NO to drug
As partners with NGO “Multikultura" Tetovo
Financed by: ECMI Macedonia– European Centar For Minority Issue
Implemented: January - March 2004
Dialog of the community
As partners with NGO "Sun" Tetovo
Financed by: ECMI Macedonia– European Center For Minority Issues
Implemented: February - April 2004
Through education to reducing the violence
Together with the partners: NGO "Multikultura" and "CDD" Tetovo, and CPKA - Skopje
Main aim: Promote non-violent behaviour in schools
Financed by: ECMI Macedonia – European Center For Minority Issues
Implemented: September - December 2004
Humanitarian aid for persons with low income
Main aim of this action was to support persons especially single mothers.
Funded by: self resource of the association, material help from companies and citizens from Tetovo and RTV KISS-Tetovo
Implemented: February - May 2004 and July-December 2004
Courses for Macedonian and Albanian languages
Creative workshops for childrens